My Child Just Said %#@! Now What Do I Do?

When you set up a rule, there is a chance that it may get broken or challenged. If it does, don’t get angry. For example, let’s say you state a rule such as,”Here’s daddy’s rule, no standing on the chair.” Your child may think,”Hhmmm, let’s see what happens if I stand on the chair,” and then proceeds to do it. Then of course, you get mad and yell. Because your child is wired by design to test your boundaries, your reaction gives them the reward for breaking the rule! Successful parenting includes NOT getting mad, NOT punishing or NOT responding with emotion when your child tests your boundaries. When setting up rules to keep your child and others safe, or to preserve the boundaries of others, a consequence is required, not punishment. best candy selection on the internet Why do our children say things to us like “NO!” or “You’re stupid!”? Because they know you don’t like the word and it causes you to react. Remember, they are...