Why Love and Logic has it Wrong... Again!

Children don’t often demonstrate respect because they either don’t know what it looks like or, as the Father of Individual Psychology, Alfred Adler taught us, their disrespectful behavior is their way of attempting to get unmet needs satisfied. The secret to getting kids to treat their parents and others with respect is to first treat them with respect and to then help them find their place in the family or the classroom. But the creators of the LOVE AND LOGIC parenting program would have you believe differently. All parenting programs are not created equal and in my opinion, many are misguided and offer parents and teachers bad information. It is my belief that we should not just be demanding and manipulating our kids to be more cooperative, we should be raising children who WANT to cooperate and be engaged in the family or classroom because they feel encouraged to do so. One of those programs that frequently offers misguided information and gimmicks...