Four Tips for Teaching Children Gratitude

It’s definitely a different world from the one we experienced as children. We work harder today to create comfortable lives for our families and it’s hard to accept that our children don’t seem to appreciate what they have and what we do. In so many ways it’s become a world of instant gratification with just about everything available 24-7 for our convenience. But it’s up to us to teach our children gratitude through the example we set and the discipline we use at home. Some parents think that discipline simply involves actions you take when your children misbehave and act out. It’s not! As a variation of the word “disciple,” which means to teach or to train, discipline means “the training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement,” and it’s an opportunity we have every time we are with our children. Parents need to spend more time and effo...