Words of wisdom and advice from behavior expert, author, and professional speaker, Bill Corbett
She Can Text Like Crazy, But Can't Converse One-on-One
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I began my latest TV show with the top 10 definitions of a teenager. One of them went something like, “Someone who can figure out the latest electronic gadget but can’t make his bed.” While my studio audience thought it was a riot, it doesn’t wander far from the truth. Our kids and teens have a tremendous technical skills and a huge appetite for TV, video and the Internet screens. We parents have got to step up to the plate and create more balance in our children’s lives to keep them becoming absorbed into too much technology.
There’s a great article on CommonSenseMedia.org titled, “5Ways to Help Kids Find Balance,” and it serves as a good reminder for parents to come up with other activities for our kids to get involved in. Like most parents, I would cringe at the thought of hearing the, “I’m Bored,” statement from my kids.” I can understand why some parents feel the need to just let them be plugged into a video screen because it gives us a break and gives us emotional space to get done what we need to get done.
The article mentions taking measures to find “Off-Line Time” for our kids and that is so important. One device that I’ve found that is incredibly effective for managing how much screen time your child or teen has is the visual timer "On-Task, On-Time. Traditional audible timers just don’t work with kids and if you’ve ever been to one of my workshops (http://www.cooperativekids.com) then you’ve seen me demo visual timers and them share how well they work. Children have great difficulty in experiencing the passing of time waiting for a bell to go off, but when using one of these visual timers, you will gain so much more cooperation from the kids. Check out these incredibly timers on Amazon now. On-Task On-Time For Kids
Here’s an item your kids may choose over the video screen more
often than you might think; the trampoline. Because there have been too many injuries reported on the use of this item, many stores are only selling those with safety features. On Amazon, you’ll find this state of the art trampoline that includes galvanized steel legs to reduce the chances of it tipping over and the extra padding and safety nets that surround the entire frame are designed to keep your kids safe. Check this item out on Amazon just in time for the warmer weather to get your kids outside. Ultega 10-Foot Jumper Trampoline with Safety Net
And to give children an indoor option to blow off some steam, Amazon sells smaller trampolines just big enough for one child. The best part about these models is that they come with handles for the child to hang on to and not fall off. One of the best things you can do for your kids is to give them the opportunity to exercise and become more active. Check out this affordable Safe Bounce Trampoline from the Original Toy Company. Safe Bounce Trampoline
For more parenting tips and advice, find me at http://www.CooperativeKids.com and check out my TV show now on online for FREE at Vimeo.com and Youtube.
Children don’t often demonstrate respect because they either don’t know what it looks like or, as the Father of Individual Psychology, Alfred Adler taught us, their disrespectful behavior is their way of attempting to get unmet needs satisfied. The secret to getting kids to treat their parents and others with respect is to first treat them with respect and to then help them find their place in the family or the classroom. But the creators of the LOVE AND LOGIC parenting program would have you believe differently. All parenting programs are not created equal and in my opinion, many are misguided and offer parents and teachers bad information. It is my belief that we should not just be demanding and manipulating our kids to be more cooperative, we should be raising children who WANT to cooperate and be engaged in the family or classroom because they feel encouraged to do so. One of those programs that frequently offers misguided information and gimmicks...
You've done so much for them, slaved for them, and sacrificed for them, and then if you don't give them what they want, they get mad at you. It hardly seems fair, all the things we do for our kids and they don't appreciate it. Then we hear them say things like, "I hate you," or "I hate this house." We hear, "You're a mean mom," or "I'm mad at you!" It's common for kids to get mad at their parents but the solution is the hardest for parents to do... just let them be mad. Effective parents learn quickly that they are not their child's friend; they are their parents. But if the parents aren't prepared to hear it and know how to respond, they get defensive or they get even. Worse, they give in to regain the love the child is withholding. I was in the toy section of a department store one day, shopping for a gift for my grandson. A mom and her little boy were in the same aisle, and the little boy, about seven, was admir...
This is for all the parents who set out NOT to spank their children, but end up doing it anyway; you are NOT bad parents, sometimes you just don’t know what else to do. I believe you may get frustrated to the point of using it to gain the child’s attention or as an attempt to stop challenging behaviors immediately. I can say that I've been in your shoes! I raised 3 children of my own and often felt myself get to the point of having the urge to spank. So I feel for parents and know how hard it is when our children push our patience to the upper limits. (Photograph courtesy of David Castillo Dominici and freedigitalphotos.net) I was the oldest of eight children and took notice of my parent’s anger and how it would provoke them to the point of spanking, and they did. I remember having the sense that one or both of them would be bothered by something outside of my control and then I would do something that kids do and it would push them to th...
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